An online bus ticketing platform based in Malaysia, offers intercity bus tickets including those between major Malaysia cities and Singapore. It partners with more than 90 bus companies and operates over 1,000 routes. You'll find it simpler and faster to search for the best timing for your bus travel on CatchThatBus. Click the form below to book your bus ticket now.

Disclaimer: The above bus ticket booking engine is operated by Catch That Bus Sdn Bhd which enables you to search for available bus schedule offered by third-party product, service providers or bus operators ("Merchants") from whom you may purchase certain goods or services. Transactions for these goods and services will not be concluded on this website and does not operate or control the products or services offered by these Merchants. Any transactions are entered into between you and the Merchants, and will not be held responsible for any rights and obligations between you and the Merchants whatsoever.